So, we have a Monkey. Born December 13, 2011, the Monkey was 6lbs 3oz, 19 inches long. He's an adorable little goober, and already shaping up to be as much trouble as his older brothers. I bounced back pretty quick, and I'm no longer psychotically crazy- just normal crazy.
In addition to having a 2 month old, the BF has become the soon-to-be husband, and we've bought a house.
Or rather, it will BE a house, once we finish renovating it.
I'm sure there are Mommies out there who have renovated on a budget- so you'll understand when I say that we are going crazy. Our budget isn't even in the shoestring range- more like spider silk. With a combination of luck, barter and an amazingly generous family who donated time and skills, we've managed to remove all the nasty flooring, paint the entire house, scrub it clean, replace the back door knob and locks, put down KILZ and rugs on the subfloor we have to live with temporarily, snag some furniture and fix the furnace issues- all for about $200.
We have all the basic essentials of life, which makes us happy. We have an incredibly healthy and happy baby. We're blessed in having a relationship that weathered my temporary mental health issues, great kids, and a wonderful support network.
I'll be back to blogging on a regular basis now that we have a more stable home life, so look for more updates soon!