I'm getting a hefty dose of reality checks lately. I've always been a pretty capable person- I work hard, I play hard, and I usually can muscle my way through anything, be it long hours, pain, or just plain fear. The last couple weeks- not so much.
Granted, I piled a lot on my plate. I bought a car, which gave me an extra $400 a month in bills for the next three months. I volunteered to pick up extra shifts and fill in gaps at work where we have lost people- so in any given week I may pull four carryout, two or three host, and two or three server shifts. And I am roughly 30 weeks pregnant, with three kids in school already, going to school myself and I have a house full of things that need done. All of this has combined to create a perfect storm. So I'm giving myself one post to vent and put myself in perspective.
- I AM NOT SUPERMOM. I need to remind myself of this. I need to ask for help, and be gracious when I get it.
- Hard work can kill someone. My cardiologist agrees with me on this, and has prescribed less caffeine and more sleep. Taking his advice would be a good thing- which means stop volunteering for 15 extra hours a week and living off of tea and coffee.
- I have the best friends/family in the world. Mark, Sarah, TopShot, Jolly Green Giant and Kittay- I am talking to you guys. If I haven't told you this lately- you guys are awesome.
- Pain is the body's signal that something is wrong. My left hip has had a pinched nerve for 10 days or so now, and I need to actually rest and allow my body to recuperate. Tylenol is not a food group.
- Speaking of food- eating is a good thing. The Alienbaby appreciates it. So does the body that I constantly abuse with overwork. So put down the teacup and pick up a cheeseburger.
- God works in mysterious ways. Remember how I said that I was so tightly strapped that I wouldn't be able to afford nursery furniture? Unexpectedly, a friend from the past sent me a crib (with a crib set!) and rocker. I am still gobsmacked, and incredibly grateful. Alienbaby won't have to live in a laundry basket after all.
- SPEAK UP. There are things that have been bothering me a lot lately, and as a result I have been a bit of a whiny bitch to everyone EXCEPT the people I needed to speak to. Passive-aggressive conditioning at its best. The people involved may not appreciate being told why I am annoyed with them, but it's better to say it directly to them than it is to let it build up and boil over like a volcano. (Thank you, Ex-Husband, for pointing out that I was repeating EXACTLY the same pattern that caused problems in our marraige.)
Now, folks- remind me of this post when I start getting cranky, okay?
If you ever need to vent, I'm around. <3